Conversations on the Rocks
Welcome to a podcast where it's all about the guest with. your host, Kristen Daukas! Tune in for real folks sharing their incredible tales, covering everything from hilarious to heartwarming moments, and maybe a mix of both! Each episode promises a fresh lesson to widen your horizons, spark new ideas, and leave you smiling. So, grab your go-to drink and join us for some good vibes and great chats!
Conversations on the Rocks
COVID-19 and Your Relationships - Is the Virus the Cause or Was it Actually Already Broken?
In this episode, I'm joined by International Body Language Expert, Blanca Cobb and we discuss the state of relationships during this (or any) trying time. A lot of people are finding their relationships in trouble but we dig into whether that's the fault of the virus or whether the relationship sucked beforehand and being forced to isolate is making people figure that out. Other points:
- Kristen calls BS on the deep and meaningful conversations people are claiming to have
- Why Gen Z is probably the most stressed out right now over anyone
- Will there be a mad dash for divorce lawyers as soon as we're out
- Why pumping the breaks could actually save a relationship
- Why being transparent and vulnerable with your kids is important right now
Explicit marked for a couple of colorful words that were dropped. Where to find Blanca on social media:
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Let's Connect!
spk_0: 0:01
Hi. You're listening to conversations on the rocks, the podcast where my guest chooses the topic. And I am your host. Kristen Focus. Today's guest is international body language expert. Block A. Cobb and Block. And I are gonna talk about relationships and how the virus or any major event Kim impact them. Or could it just be that your relationship just sucks? So grab your favorite cocktail or a cup of Joe and let's Hi, everybody. This is Kristen Dhaka's and you are listening to conversations on the rocks, the podcast where my guests choose the topic in today. I am talking to Blanca Cobb, who is a body language expert. And
spk_1: 0:42
we're going to talk a little
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bit about Is it really the virus, or does your relationship just saw high Blanka?
spk_1: 0:49
Hi. Have gone
spk_0: 0:50
good. As good as it could be. I keep saying that I need to stop saying that because we're all in this boat together. We are so Blanka. Tell us a little bit about yourself and what it is that you do and what makes you so
spk_1: 1:03
unique. Right? Well, you started off. I think I'm a body language expert, and I am I am happy to say that I'm one of the top 30 in the world
spk_0: 1:11
we rated by the
spk_1: 1:12
global group gurus, and I've been doing this for about eight years, a study body language, and I have a masters in psychology. And so what I've done is I've just combined the two when I analyzed the A viewer to understand people and why people do the things that they do and understand how there buying said, or their thoughts for their feelings impact their body language and how it comes across because a lot of times you say so much. But you don't even realize that you're talking because nothing's coming out of your lives. Is this your body that's really telling people what's going on for you?
spk_0: 1:46
And I've learned a lot just by vicariously by being around you and being your friend, and you are spot on with that. That's funny how once you kind of clue clue into it, I think one of the biggest things that you taught me, or that I learned from you Waas and I probably not gonna make the right to use the right term, but a point of reference so if someone is consistently doing one thing and then they deviate from that, that's a really big It could be a red flag, but it's definitely an indicator that something has changed.
spk_1: 2:18
Exactly. That's a great definition of what you're talking about. A baseline. Do you get somebody? Baseline behaviour have a typically behave. How they typically acting is exactly what you said. Kristin, When you notice a change in the behavior is like a huh? But here's the deal. You don't know what causes it. And what lands people in so much problems is that they automatically think I know why they did that. I know what's going on to them, and you don't
spk_0: 2:40
true, because you know as well as we may know someone, really. We only know what they're giving us. There's always there's always more deep going on, and the one thing that I've luckily learned is that it's not about you. Nine times out of 10 it's something internal with them.
spk_1: 2:56
Yes, there's so many other reasons that it could be that at what outside of you, maybe what you're talking about triggers a memory of somebody else. Or maybe they're thinking about something different at that time. Or maybe they're late to something. I mean, it could be a lot of different reasons when it also could be that maybe you're getting a little too close for comfort,
spk_0: 3:15
and I
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don't want to discuss this
spk_0: 3:17
right. And I think we're seeing a lot of this big time right now with the virus. Everybody is cooped up there either cooped up alone or they're cooped up with partner, whether that's a spouse or whether it's a significant other or whether it's the kids. And everyone is reacting in very different ways. Oh, yeah, I know, Yeah,
spk_1: 3:39
really bringing a lot of different sides of people.
spk_0: 3:41
And I think a lot of people are forgetting that. I think they don't realize that we're all in the same boat. However, everybody deals with these things in in their own way, and how they react is not necessarily how you would react, but yet now we're reacting to them for reacting, and it's just the whole thing is just a big giant mess, and people are not be. They're not being compassionate right now. The one thing that I have, I'm trying to give people a lot of compassion and basically giving them a free pass. And I don't that I don't think many other people are doing this. So let's talk about the relationships and the conversations that may or may not be happening right now. So we're gonna use the term relationships and again, like I said earlier, it could be your husband or wife. It could be your boyfriend or girlfriend, or it could be your roommates. So we're gonna do just use the generic term relationship because every one of us has a relationship with another person. So what do you see?
spk_1: 4:41
What I'm noticing is that, well, let me back up just a little bit. So in the news it in China have started. And then in The New York Post, they talked about this recently, where the divorce rate is increasing. So what that means There's a lot of people are getting on the phone and they're calling attorneys and, like, all right, what's this process? I can't stand them anymore. I want out. What do I have to do? One of the court's gonna open. They get a lot of conversation about divorce and how to do this, and it's increasing And if you think about you, take a step back and really think about him like Okay, this is a very trying time for a lot of people. I mean, there's so much that is not in anyone's control, right? It's not in your control. Whether you keep your job when the economies coming back, how long you're gonna be quarantined when schools are going to start back up? You don't know if you got kids going to college next year. Are they really gonna go to a campus? Are they gonna do the online learning? Is this virus gonna come back? I mean, I could just go on with the different types of questions that are out there, but it's all coming some type of stress. And you really get into this like, um, figure it re figuratively speaking boxing match with your partner when you don't see something, I toe I because you're looking at over one perspective there, looking at it from another. Or let's say you have a partner who was looking forward to a promotion or they just started a new company. Yeah, or they just got hand or they're the provider and they're proud to be the provider, and they can't Or maybe they lost the job and they think you should be doing more. But you're not. So you can just hear all these different variable that I'm mentioning that can cause a catastrophe and any type of relationship. The problem is, people are thinking it's just the Corona virus related, not the viruses. Self is causing it. But the stress from the viral right? And I'm going to challenge that, and I'm going to say no if because if you had these problems before the virus even came to being, then you know it's a long standing relationship. A long standing problem. I mean, absolute. You had these problems six months ago, a year ago where you've been struggling, I don't even know, but like person anymore, Do I really want to be in this relationship? What should I do? What happened? It's like the Corona virus stresses pulling the band aid off the problem, and it's intensifying it.
spk_0: 6:50
Oh, absolutely. Its gas on the fire. Yes, I guess it's just gas on the fire, and I agree and which is kind of goes back to what I said earlier, especially with such relationships or friendships that I have, uh, maybe just been introduced to someone, right? The level of connection may or may not have been there, and I think this is a lot of people that talking to is Did you just have to push the pause button you can't make? And you cannot make emotional decisions. Deer in a time like this, right? You just
spk_1: 7:22
can't. Yes, I'm hesitating right there because I bigger depends on where you are in that relationship. So if let's
spk_0: 7:28
say it's the new
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stress and it's all and you're noticing, okay, it's just because damn Corona virus that this is happening, that I say, pump the brakes absolutely pumped the brakes because in those emotions can cloud any rational decision making right. But if it's a long standing problem and this is like I've had it, this just solidifies why you and I don't get along. We don't see eye to eye. You still believe a I still believe X. We cannot meet in the middle then then you might. Then that might be a different ball. Absolutely. There's nothing you could do right now, anyway. Courts air close. Sure, you can call an attorney and you can start that process. But really nothing's gonna happen until courts open again. So it just depends on where you are in the relationship and how long this has been going on. But it's a long standing problem worth something just recent, and it's a cute because of the situation.
spk_0: 8:18
Absolutely. And it there was a funny name. Sorry, I lost my train of thought, their first like it. It was a funny mean that I don't think it's so funny. But I do think it's so funny, which is that divorce lawyers were the reason the Corona virus started. They are definitely going to be the ones they're definitely going to be the ones that are benefitting, Oh, big time. They're gonna be benefited from this, and it's sad. But at the same time, you're right. Sometimes it does take this something of this magnitude to really just wake up and smell the coffee. See the reality
spk_1: 8:50
of look at it this way to so many people stay in limbo. They are in a shitty relationship, and they will stay on to that relationship for any kind of excuse. They can make up. Yes, don't have money to go on my own. Um, I'm gonna lose the 401 k because I'm gonna have to share it. I don't. What about the kids? I mean, they will come up with any excuse, what with his Corona viruses. Like, I'm gonna lose everything anyway. So what more can I possibly lose? Right. Right. And when you have that mentality, it's like, Oh, well, right. It's not that it's really not that bad. I'm struggling right now. Sure, it's gonna be a little different, but, hey, we're doing it right now. Even though it's extra, exceedingly hard, much harder Can it be not already at ground zero, right? So whatever. But let's move on. We really need to go our separate ways.
spk_0: 9:34
What air? So, you know, one of the things we were chatted about a little bit before is the communications. And, you know, you hear people saying you know this you may have lost this, and you may have lost that you haven't lost the ability to get deep, meaningful conversations with people. Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on that one, because yeah, sure you can. But by the same token, I'm not having deep meaningful conversations with anybody right now.
spk_1: 9:58
Yeah, that that's hard. I mean, it really is. I I believe that a majority of people are really trying to have an optimistic outlook, right? Because what else can you dio? I mean, you can wallow in the negativity, that's all you're gonna He is negative. And you're not gonna be able to get out of that pool of negativity. So you try to find the silver linings and situations. But what I'm seeing is that people don't really aren't taking care of themselves because they don't know how they're so stressed out. I mean, even thinking about extra size. Yeah. You're gonna do it in your room in your house. So you're not gonna be able to spread out like you normally would at the gym. Someone will block. I don't even go to the gym. Fine. But you could go outside, right? You gonna go bike? Or you could go walk or you could go, Hiker, you could do whatever, but parks are closed now. You don't really go out too far, so people aren't really finding healthy ways to relieve all of that excess energy and that anxiety and that banks and it just builds.
spk_0: 10:51
Yes, yes, yes. And I know my motivation is tanked. I mean, we have all this all this time in the world, quote unquote. And I have good days. I have good busy days. And then I have days where I do nothing more than sit on my computer and read article when I know there's 100 other things that I need to be doing
spk_1: 11:08
and you bring up a really good point, Kristen, because isn't that real life anyway, It's like all of a sudden we have this Corona virus, so everyone feels like, Okay, you have to be 100% motivated and you got to get out there and you gotta find a side hustle and you have to do X. And you have to do Why do you have to do Z? Because when this is over, so this way you will be on top, and that's a great to be that cheerleader. But it puts, I think, this incredible amount of pressure on somebody
spk_0: 11:31
absolutely because now I've
spk_1: 11:33
been training for the fight. They haven't been training for the fight, so it's not like a rocking but without love Rockets. So Rocky, what did you do? You know, I got the shipping out of them and then go back and he works out. He works out to get stronger and harder, earning the mindset, all of that he needs to do to get back in the ring. So what's happening now? It's more like Gladiator movie.
spk_0: 11:50
Anyone seen the gladiator with Russell
spk_1: 11:52
Crowe, where you get stabbed, my hook? Joaquin Phoenix first. And then he has to go in there either. Ready hurt as he's going and no one has been training for. This is my point, and it's like the unrealistic expectation. This is what you got ideo in order to cross that finish.
spk_0: 12:08
Well, absolutely. I mean, right now I think most of us are tuning out and shutting down, and I think it's because it's a protection mechanism, because we are not as we've never, ever, anyone in this generation have had to endure anything like this, so we don't like you said. We don't know how to handle it. So sometimes the only way to do that it's just a pull very deep inside and shut everything out,
spk_1: 12:32
its protective. Absolutely. I'm from the philosophy you feel those emotions, whatever it is you're feeling, feeling your human, it's important to deal with those emotions. But listen what it is, a deal. What happens? A lot of times, people won't deal. They just let it take over their lives. And that's where you're going to stay at the starting block. And don't matter whether we have the Corona virus or not. That's not how you live your life. You still have to progress forward. Just don't let those emotions or that negativity stall you were paralyzed. You, if you will, so that when you're not making strides in your own life because that isn't healthy and particularly, you have kids there watching.
spk_0: 13:09
Oh yeah,
spk_1: 13:10
they are watching how you are handling this stress because you know what, Mom and out there, that's how they are gonna handle stress because one day they're not going to be at home with you. But what you do influences their behavior. How many times you hear, you know you have a conversation or you have a conversation with anything valuable. That's what happened in my family that my mom did her. That's how my dad used to do it right it always goes back to the family. So this is your time. Be stress show you kid your stress, But you have to stop to set the example. Okay, I'm stressed out of my mind. This is what I think we're going to do. This is what's gonna happen. And of course you're gonna talk differently and tell your kids different things, depending on where they are. Developmentally,
spk_0: 13:48
how are the kids hand? I mean, what is a good way? Speaking of the kids, I know I mean, your kids are older, just like mine arm, and it's a little easier toe explain things to them. But it's I had a challenge explaining to my kids breaking it down. It's toe the validity of what's going on
spk_1: 14:06
with my kids. We've had several different conversations along the way. And then one waas What is this Corona virus? Really? And why is it that we have to stay at home? Or if it's only impact any older people? Then why don't we still have to do this? So and it's it just educating them. You know I had that conversation. Okay? Yes. This is what you've heard in This is correct. But let me expand on that. Help you understand the other side. And then, you know, then they can start understanding and getting it for themselves and then having a conversation. Okay, This is how it's impacting our family and come right now. And this is what we have to do. And it is not about scaring your Children. Absolutely not. It's just giving in the dose of realism because you know what? Eventually, when they are not home and I'm talking about teenagers, you bring up a good point. I mean, I got to high schoolers, so when they're on their own, they're gonna have to figure some of the stuff. That doesn't mean mom and Dad's not available. But a lot of times you want to rely on yourself because as a parent, you you you pretty much say that you're successful. When your kids can be independent and they are functioning, it doesn't mean they never reach out to you or ask for your advice, but they need to stand on their own two feet. So that's why I say it's a good idea to start talking to them about finances and how this is impacting or how you're going to need to savor what this might mean or even talk about your for one case. If you have a it's tanking right now, but it will recover, and this is how it's gonna recover. So this is why I'm not as worried. I'm this far away from retirement or or if you're closer to retirement, you have older kids, you say. But this is what I'm doing to protect or whatever, whatever your situation is. But it's so critical for your kids to understand. I mean, this is this is a perfect teachable moment for kids Sound like this is gonna have. Hopefully, I should say this isn't something that's gonna happen frequently that we have a country shut down because of, ah, global health concerns.
spk_0: 15:56
Well, and the other thing that I've noticed having to have the conversation with my kids over and over and over again is you're not unique. Every single person in this entire world right now is impacted by this, so and I Yeah, it's no, they're frustrated, just like we're frustrated that no, you just can't go. And I'm sorry, but you're not
spk_1: 16:17
unique. That's a really good point that you bring up and you've said this earlier. And the bigger podcast is that we're in this together. Yeah, Everybody has the same constraint. You have to stay at home. You're gonna have to Where? The mass. When you go out, you have to question yourself. Do you really need to go out? And surely only one person needs to go to the grocery store. Not all of you. So it's It's happening in all families. It's across America. But across the world?
spk_0: 16:43
Absolutely. So what are some ways that humans can work on their relationships while they're in this situation?
spk_1: 16:55
What happens is that people are very reactive. You hear something, you see something immediately react. I say, pump the brakes, stop and just say, OK, I said X, but they're acting. Why? Why might that be? If you look at it from somebody else's perspective and not your own? I'm not saying you have to agree with it. I'm not saying that you think that it's right. It helps you understand, because if you want to understand that, you're gonna bridge. Hey, Oz, you're gonna bridge the angst between the two of you and then it didn't you just don't want it to snowball, because what's the point of being right or wrong right now? You really need it. And this is where you build some compassion. Also, you're gonna show compassion when you try to see something from somebody else's point of view.
spk_0: 17:37
Empathy. People need more empathy right now.
spk_1: 17:39
Lutely. Oh my God, you have to be kind, Ellen Degenerate says. It's all the time, but it is so true. I mean, she's not the only one to have said it. A lot of people say it also, but she just has the biggest platform. Be kind. We have to be nice. We have to try to understand that somebody from where they are, you know, we have What? That old adage? You don't judge somebody unless you've walked a mile in their shoes, right? That is so true. And particularly now because a lot of times you're like, OK, I've been through this or have this much experience or I'm in charge of the family or whatever you you move your situation is you feel like your way is the only way, and that may not be. It really may not be. There's more with a one way to solve a problem.
spk_0: 18:17
And I think our generation meaning Gen. X is having a particularly interesting time right now because we're stressed about our Children and we're stressed about our parents. Oh yeah, And you Oh my God. You know, just we're having to make sure that our parents are, you know, because most of the boomers I know or have this they think they have some kind of bubble around them, just like our teenagers dio. And it's like, No, you cannot do this. I know I've had these conversations with my mom. She's been really good about staying in thankfully, But I know there's a lot of, um that, you know, just don't get it.
spk_1: 18:52
You bring up Oh my God. So have you brought that up? Because think about when you no longer living with your parents. You're taking care of your Children. But your parents are on their own, and particularly if it's because they live by themselves or their their husband or wife has already passed. They're lonely,
spk_0: 19:10
spk_1: 19:10
imagine how amplified all of this is for them. But then we get so caught up because we're still in charge of our own household. We don't live near our parents, and we're still taking care of our kids and trying to figure out Oh my God, trying to get food on the table having to pay the bills. What's gonna happen
spk_0: 19:24
exactly so much worse for parents? It really is. And and it's just just another stressor on top of all the other stresses that we have. Like you said, people are losing jobs. They're they're losing their there financial investments. But usually, hopefully that'll bounce back. And we're having to parent both our parents and our kids. So oh,
spk_1: 19:45
my gosh.
spk_0: 19:46
And goes back to what you said earlier, which is You gotta feel the fields. It's okay. What's one of my favorite things? So it's okay to have a pity party, but you can't move in
spk_1: 19:56
Exactly. You you can you can not, and going back to two parents are older. Parents. Think about a majority of the parents. The majority of the parents don't want to burden their Children. So imagine your elder parent who, by him or herself, in another city or town, maybe another state. They're gonna hold a lot of it in. Why? Because they're still your mom and dad
spk_0: 20:20
that and
spk_1: 20:20
it's always their job to protect
spk_0: 20:23
spk_1: 20:23
how old you are, no matter how successful you are. And it's gonna be no different from you and I and other parents who have younger kids. And I've got teenager just like you do when I think you're one in early 20. But you get my point right, whereas apparent, you're always protecting your Children. So that makes the older parents who are not with that I believe, even more isolated because they're going to carry more burdens up. Because why they don't want for you to worry because you have your own life and you have your own family.
spk_0: 20:52
Well, and it's interesting you say that because one of the other things that I'm noticing, too, is and I just wish people would stop this, but and be more direct is the passive aggressive comments.
spk_1: 21:04
Yes. Give me anything
spk_0: 21:06
so well, I'm not. This is not my mother. I'm not saying this is my mom's listening to this. This is not you, Mom e. I have to put that disclaimer out there. Things is not about you. So you know the scenario that you just set up. The parents are always the protectors, right? And the I didn't want to bother you. Well, this is the time where you need to bother. I didn't want to bother you because I know you've got so much on your plate and ball. That's probably true. It still comes across a very passive aggressive.
spk_1: 21:38
No. Sure, sure. I don't think they mean Teoh. I guess depending on who the parent is, you know your parent better. And I'm talking about the universal you hear. Oh, your listeners. So you know how your parents is. But some of them, they really mean and some of them are wicked stubborn. So no matter what you say, you can rely on me. I want to know what's going on, though. Still, deny, deny, deny.
spk_0: 21:58
Absolutely So how can we better connect with parents with one whoever, whoever in any relationship.
spk_1: 22:07
I talked a little bit about the empathy and compassion and trying to not be so reactive and looking at it from the other person's perspective. But I believe when it comes to the older parents, you still want to do that. But you want to check in with them more frequently, and it can be for five minutes. I think people feel like because they don't talk to their parents as frequently as soon as you get on front. Oh, my gosh. It's gonna be an hour. And I'm gonna have to listen to Uncle Charlie all over again. I really don't care what's going on with Charlie. Fine, General. Right. You know, you come up with these ideas and you read about that conversation is gonna be your right. So I think you can call Mom or Dad if they have, If they can use space time. If you have face time, you got some type of video connection. Do that or talk to them and say, Hey, wanted to check on you. I've got five minutes, but I can call you back later. So you go ahead and set those parameters. But you want to do it in a nice way. Not like Oh, my gosh, I got five minutes. Go
spk_0: 22:59
then do anything like that. I'm giving you five minutes of my time. That's all you get. So don't waste.
spk_1: 23:06
No. But the reason I say you break it up because then it's more tolerable for you when you have your own family and you're far away or you have whatever going on in your own life. But your parents do need you also.
spk_0: 23:18
Yes, they did, they dio because
spk_1: 23:20
they have been there for you ever since they were pregnant with you.
spk_0: 23:24
Well and I also like to flow Now I like to flip the scripts sometimes. And imagine if this if the script were flipped with my kids, right? How would I feel if I didn't hear from my kids once they've moved on
spk_1: 23:38
like I such a good point you bring up
spk_0: 23:40
and I wouldn't like it. So you know they are Parents want us to be involved. I agree with you and I I will admit I'm guilty of not being the perfect daughter. Far from it. I'm not the perfect anything. But you know I need toe. I do Whether I try and tap my mom a few times a week, whether it's phone text or Facebook messenger, just I need to make sure she's OK because I know she won't tell me. I know she won't tell me, right? She won't volunteer. You just don't
spk_1: 24:08
want to worry. Parent is gonna be apparent. My mom, my mother still tells She's like You could be 118 years old and I'm still going to care about you. I'm still gonna want to protect you. I'm still you know, you're still my baby girl. That's what my mom says. She's the same thing to my brother, of course, baby boy for him. But you get my point. It's just I just think that's human nature. I just think that's how parent or structure? I mean, I tell I am with my kids. I know that's how you are with your girl.
spk_0: 24:30
So we've got a few more minutes left. Let's talk a little bit about some of the projects that you've been working on, dear. And you know this. Everybody's got so much time on their hands. Are you Are you being motivated? E I
spk_1: 24:46
Yes, I know. Overall, yes. I mean, I do have the moments from like, but overall, yes, I'm still working out at home. I'm still trying to and I will take a walk or a bike. But I'm not doing that so much anymore. Now that things seem to be more serious, I'm just like staying put inside. So I am definitely trying toe to maintain my own mental health, my own sanity. But then I am working on a really cool project. So let me tell you how it came about right now. Everything like business world is what it is online. So their virtual meeting, because traveling is gone face to may, face to face meetings or gone. There's no happy hours or meetings or conferences. Air Traveler anything. So everyone's jumping on video, right? But people don't know how to do video
spk_0: 25:30
go should
spk_1: 25:30
they suck on video and I'm being nice about it. But they feel like, Are you going to do? Is this just look at something and you talk half the time. They don't even know where the camera is, so that's not even looking at you or they feel like, OK, I need to take up an hour, so I'm gonna take up an hour. They start rambling instead of really having a point. I'm working on something that's called How not to suck on video because I feel like I can help people to protect their brand because the the messages that you're sending now on video is gonna have a lasting impression later. When business goes back to normal, however, that's going to look Howard. That's going to be. And if they don't, if you gave a bad impression on video, it's not gonna matter. Magically change as soon as you start having face to face meeting right. It's still that impression that people have. So what are you doing? So you're not looking like a train wreck on video? How is it that you can come across better? Right? And I'll tell you, the biggest mistake I see people make is that they're not themselves, who they are in person when you're having a conversation with them is so different when they're on camera and people know.
spk_0: 26:35
And I firmly believe that we are going to see a lot more video stuff and because I think one of the things that this virus has highlighted is the whole work from home. Working remotely is doable. I actually saw a NA article the other day that said that there was a San Francisco businessman that eyes not going to renew his $10 million rental lease on his office building because he couldn't yeah, because he can say or maybe the I'm sorry. Let me let me restate that he's not renewing the lease, which will save him $10 million. 4 400 employees. So yes, absolutely. And you're right. I mean, I know by experience with a lot of videos, and it's just it's if you're a train wreck was a really nice way of saying that. So I think I think what you're doing is great, and hopefully a lot of people will be able to get a lot of good use out of that. How much longer do you think before it's gonna be available,
spk_1: 27:37
hopefully within the next month? So it's coming across nicely, and then what I am going to do is like so anyone who wants to follow me. You can follow me at Blanca Cobb on Facebook or on Instagram, with mostly where I am, and I'm going to start putting some tips on there about what to avoid and what you need to stop doing on video because it really going to provide value for people. That's what I want. You want to give your best impression. It's no different than if you go to a job interview. You're not gonna walk in there with slippers and sweat. It's just not gonna work for you. So why should you show up that way in a video when you're talking to somebody? You know that if you're listening to somebody talking to have all this fluff think about T o Good example, TV shows you're like this show could have been done in 25 minutes while I was in an hour. Why did they have to go through this rigmarole? Why do they have to add all of this stuff? It's no different than when you see somebody on a video. And so, look, I've got eight years of experience I've been on been on TV for eight years. I've been national television, huge shows from the doctors. Dr Ross, Dr Drew faced the truth. Today's show Megan Kelly Today the list goes on right, cause I work in a CBS affiliate, so I know what I'm talking about. You know what? I have made the mistakes and I've been behind the scenes. So what you're getting from me? Look, I would look for a lot of different producers, directors, news directors, TV host, anchors you name it. I've made the mistake, and then I get the inside tips of what they're looking for. I know, right? So my knowledge, I want to become everybody else's knowledge because I want people to succeed.
spk_0: 29:12
Sharing is caring. Absolutely, absolutely. Okay. And I hope that we can have another podcast together where we talk exclusively about that blue we're going to wrap up now. And any closing comments that you would like to make on people surviving the wrona with their relationships.
spk_1: 29:35
Remember to be compassionate and to be current and to look at the situation from your partner's perspective, it will really help you and try not to react. Pump those breaks. I mean, slam on the brakes if you have to, because I'm telling you, it will make a world a different in your relationship, how you interact. And then also how you see your partner.
spk_0: 29:58
Fantastic. Thank you, Blanka Course. And that, my Friends, is a wrap on this week's show. Thanks so much for listening. You can get all of the episodes at conversations on the rocks dot com. You can also follow me on Twitter, and that's at Kristen Dhaka's K. R. I s T E N d a youth k a s until next week. Keep it, riel, and let's hear what your story is.